Thursday, January 30
“Tomorrow is my birthday. But it’s “Ken Wilber’s” birthday, not the birthday of my Original Face, the great Unborn, the vast expanse of Emptiness untouched by date or duration, tense or time. This infinite ocean of Ease, this vast expanse of Freedom, this lucid sea of Stillness, is what I am in the deepest part of me, the infinite intersection where I am not, and Spirit only is.
There is no birthday for the great Unborn, for that which never comes to be, but is the Suchness of all that is, radiant to infinity. There is no celebration for the timeless moment, which is prior to history and its lies, time and its ugly terrors, duration and its drudgery. There are no gifts for the great Uncreate, the Source of all that is, the boundless Sea of Serenity, that lines the entire Kosmos. There is no song for Always Already, the infinite Freedom gloriously beyond birth and death altogether.
For every sentient being can truly say: in essence I am timeless, in essence I am All – the lines in my face are the cracks in the cosmic egg, supernovas swirl in my heart, galaxies pulse through my veins, stars light up the neurons of my night… And who will sing birthday songs to that? Who will celebrate the vast expanse that sings its songs unheralded in the stillness of the night?”
Ken Wilber: One Taste – Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality, p. 18.